Line Dance

Line Dance

Cost: $2 drop-in pass & pre-registered

Description: Choose from a country music drop-in line beginners’ dance, a new class called Line Dance Fun! and a pre-registered intermediate class (minimum two years’ experience).

PLEASE NOTE FOR LINE DANCE BEGINNERS, while this is a drop-in program, new intakes are in September and January. You are welcome to join during the first five weeks of each intake at either centre. (Specific to Maple Ridge beg. class, should you like to try a class after the five weeks have passed, please arrive 30 minutes early to meet with the instructor to see if there is sufficient experience to join or whether waiting until the next session intake is advised.

Line Dance – Beginners :  Pitt Meadows Main Hall

Mondays  11:30am – 12:30pm 

Line Dance – Beginners:  Maple Ridge Hall C

Mondays  1:30pm – 2:45pm 

Line Dance Intermediate (pre-registered):  Maple Ridge Hall C

Tuesdays  10:45am – 12:00pm (NEW TIME)

Line Dance Fun :  Maple Ridge Hall C

Thursdays  10:45am – 12:00pm (NEW TIME)