

Description: Snooker is a cue sport, with roots going back to English billiards.  RMSS centres host teams that are part of the BC Lower Mainland Seniors Snooker League. An RMSS membership is required to participate.  You can pay a drop-in fee (noted below) for individual play time, or an annual membership for unlimited play.  Women players are welcome, or if preferred, have a dedicated playtime. 

For regular playtime &/ or more information: Maple Ridge Centre call Clive @ 604-790-6026

Pitt Meadows Centre call John @ 604-720-7020

Snooker: Maple Ridge Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Monday – Thursday  8:45am – 7:30pm 

Fridays 8:45am – 4:00pm

Saturdays 10am – 3pm

Ladies Snooker:  Maple Ridge Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Tuesdays  2:00pm – 4:00pm

Ladies Snooker:  Maple Ridge Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Fridays  9:00am – 12:00pm 

Beginners Snooker:  Maple Ridge Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Fridays  9:00am – 12:00pm 

Snooker: Pitt Meadows Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Monday – Friday  9:00am – 4:00pm 

Saturdays  9am- 1pm

Ladies Snooker:  Pitt Meadows Snooker Room – $4 drop-in fee

Wednesdays  1:30pm – 3:30pm